B12 Injections
Who Are Good Candidates?
Most people who are interested in boosting their metabolism to kickstart their weight loss journey are good candidates for this treatment. Because this treatment is safe for everyone, it does not have any side effects risks or medical restrictions. Adults who want to improve energy and burn fat are good candidates.
How Quick Are Results?
This depends on the type of results you’re talking about. If the results you’re looking for are about boosting your energy and metabolism, you will notice an improvement in your energy levels within 1 to 3 days, as well as notice that you might be hungry more frequently as your metabolism rate increases.
For fat burning and weight loss, these injections produce gradual results. If you have regular treatments, you will notice an improvement in how quickly you can shed fat and lose weight over the course of several months.
What Are Other Benefits of This Treatment?
There are several reasons why you might consider this treatment. For example, having sluggish energy or a poor appetite might be reasons to pursue this treatment. Another reason might be purely to help you lose weight and burn fat more quickly. Other benefits of this treatment include:
Protect Bone Health
As we grow older, we are all at higher risk of bone disease such as osteopenia, which is a condition that makes your bones more fragile as you age. For mature adults, weight loss is sometimes associated with bone density loss, so it is important to supplement your weight loss journey with Vitamin B12, which protects your bone health.
Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
B12 is a vitamin that can help prevent your risk of heart disease. Why? Vitamin B12 is associated with lowering the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is associated with cardiovascular disease.
Improves Mood
When your B12 is low, you are likely more prone to have a low mood or even symptoms of depression. One of the most common symptoms of depression is fatigue, which can be addressed with regular B12 treatments.